Ranked Top Bed and Breakfasts in America 2024 by US News & World Report


Room Instructions

Brickhouse Inn and Welty House Room Directions

Doors will have plaques with names on them. All rooms will be in two houses: Brickhouse (1898) and the Historic Welty House (1838). When standing on Baltimore Street looking at the front of the houses, the Welty House is on the left. Brickhouse Inn is on the right. There is a third private suite, the California House (formerly called Carriage House) located behind Brickhouse.

Make sure to enter the door code emailed to you and press the checkmark. Wait for the lock to unlock, and then you may enter. Your room key will be located inside near the door on a hook.

Parking is located behind the houses off the alleyway off Locust Ave, which is the first turn on your right. Please see the following image:

Parking Map

Rooms in Brickhouse

Second Floor:

Maryland: Enter through the door on the right. Proceed upstairs, and turn left at the top of the stairs. Your room is the first door on the left!

Tennessee: Enter through the door on the right. Proceed upstairs. Turn right when reaching the top of the stairs. Your room is right there!

New England: Enter through the door on the right. Proceed upstairs. The room is immediately in front, to the right.

North Carolina: Enter through the door on the right. Proceed upstairs, and turn left at the top of the stairs. Your room is down the hallway and on the right!

Third Floor:

New York: When you reach the third floor, go all the way to your left. Your room is at the end of the hallway on the front side of the house.

South Carolina: When you reach the third floor, go all the way to your right. Your room is near the center of the hallway on the back side of the house.

Virginia: When you reach the third floor, go all the way to your left. Your room is at the end of the hallway!

Ohio: When you reach the third floor, go all the way to your right. Your room is at the end of the hallway!

Rooms in Welty House

First Floor:

Texas: Enter through the front of the Welty House, the Texas room is the first room to your left on the first floor.

Delaware: Your room entrance will be on the rear of the Welty House on the first floor. You will enter through your room door here. You will not enter through the front door of the Welty House.

Alabama: Your room entrance will be on the rear of the Welty House on the first floor. You will enter through your room door here. You will not enter through the front door of the Welty House.

Second Floor:

Illinois: Enter the Welty House through the front door and proceed upstairs. Take a left, and your next immediate left (a u-turn to the left) and your room is right there!

Kentucky: Enter the Welty House through the front door and proceed upstairs. Your room is to your left at the top of the stairs!

Georgia: Enter the Welty House through the front door and proceed upstairs. Your room is to your right at the top of the stairs!

California House (Carriage House): The entrance to the California House is behind Brickhouse as part of a separate structure. Enter through the door. You have a big place all to yourself. Enjoy!

Fire / Floor Plan

You can view the fire/floor plan as a pdf here.